Thursday, July 24, 2008

Sacre Bleu

My thirtysecond birthday draws nigh. I tend to be a bit difficult this time of year as I do a mini inventory of lifes goals and re assess. Not that I am ungrateful for the many blessings I enjoy -- quite the contrary. But drive and determination is a two edged sword. When you reach a goal you set another. Not that I don't relish small victories, but I'm also well aware that one is only as good as the last outcome and in American life turnabout is fair play. Just watch the ever changing stock market. I'm also keenly aware that youth has passed - adulthood has arrived. And as I'm not getting any younger I'm going to make a few vows for the next year.

A journey home: my fifteen year reunion as well as to see the family -- I have many new neices and nephews I have yet to see face to face.

To write letters, poems, blogs, and a short story or two.

To take pictures! I always forget this part - you know what they say about good intentions.

I need to be more generous as well - I think avarice is creeping in and I can think of no better cure.

1 comment:

Debra Christiansen Jacobson said...

Don't forget to ass seeing your dearest Debra while you're in this part of the world!