Friday, October 2, 2009

Countdown to terror...

In honor of the pending holiday, I am going to do something frightening - reveal a skeleton from my closet each day. (Until I run out of answers to the terrifying, like incidious facebook surveys, start a chain letter...or I get side tracked by something shiny) I'll attempt to battle the demons in my psyche as well as the green eyed monster. And answer the pressing questions that everyone is dying to know such as: Who are my hero's? What type of underwear do I prefer? What color is my bedspread? What is my latent superpower?

I feel I should also throw out a disclaimer that these posts are not for children, I may incorporate words like bite, suck, and titilation, as well as other four letter relatives. Consider yourselves warned.

I'm not sure whether I should credit Bram Stoker or Bela Lugosi as my first idol, but I'd stake a good wager that the combination of victorian sexual repression and villainy encompassed by the myth of Count Dracula is eternally indebted to both. One of my earliest memories is discussing childhood heroes with my brothers, perhaps it was in response to an episode of superfriends, or the yearly mele of costume selection as Superman, Spiderman, and the Silver Surfer were named. I was in a quandry between choosing Darth Vader or Dracula, in my elementary education the fact that they both started with a 'D' was nuetral. Shapeshifting was a definite plus the thought of eternal life even at the expense of drinking blood which I equated with V-8 juice was something I could sink my teeth into. I was one of the few, the select, who begged and pleaded for the I Vant to Bite your finger boardgame, which I received for my 7th birthday. It was also the eponymous name of my first electronic game which I spent many many hours indoors playing so as not to you know go outside in daylight.

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