Monday, August 24, 2009

Dear ________

I read your letter again today, the one you sent a lifetime ago. I want to thank you for the words of advice, warning, and comfort that you have provided over the years as I re read your words. I want you to know that when I see the address on your envelope I am taken to remote places in my mind and on the Navajo reservation -- a tiny trailer in Tuba, NM, the canyons of Chinle, AZ. I remember the promise I made to keep in touch and to write. You are not forgotten, nor are the hours we spent playing board games at the Holidays. Treva, I still enjoy the sand paintings you meticulously crafted, and Rodney your sandstone carvings. Kimberly Rae I am still humbled by your unquestioning faith and innocence. To my sisters in Dulce, I am sorry that I have let our friendship dwindle, you are perhaps my most fond memory, I will never forget any of you...

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