Friday, June 5, 2009

25 Random Things

Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about yourself.

1. I rewrote the instructions - nobody tells me what to do and how to do it.

2. I believe that the only certainties in life are that ALL and EVERY statements are FALSE.

3. I am snarky.

4. I am deliberate.

5. I can be deliberatly snarky.

6. I was once nicknamed the "Happy missionary."

7. I like dichotomy, but detest duplicity.

8. I was once nicknamed "Sexual Chocolate."

9. I can spell Onomatapeia.

10. I grew up under the tutelage of this poem:

Do not walk before me I may not follow.
Do not walk behind me I may not lead the way.
Walk beside me, hand in hand each day

11. Tact is for those who do not understand the value of sarcasm.

12. I wanted to be a cartoonist when I was younger.

13. I do my own taxes - I'm toggling as I type this.

14. As referenced above I multitask frequently.

15. I prefer Pizza Hut to Dominoes or Papa Johns.

16. I read extremely fast, and voraciously.

17. I still hate multiplacation tables to this day. I associate bad breath with Mr. Tidlund my 7th grade teacher.

18. My favorite teacher commited suicide.

19. I believe there is virtue in playing the devils advocate.

20. Sleep is my favorite pastime. I have found Heaven on Earth and it has 1000 threadcount.

21. I am secretly pleased that the cat loves me more than anyone else.

22. I cannot fathom life without my husband - I would be debilitated.

23. I love how my ipod can jump from Britney Spears' "Phonograpy" to Beethoven's "Moonlight Sonata."

24. I believe it is more important to be respected than loved.

25. There is no such thing as FREE. Somebody somewhere overpaid for it.

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